Govinda gets new offers after ‘Loot!’ Really?

The comedy king claims his latest film has pushed him back into the reckoning. We wonder how that happened…

We love Govinda. We always have. There is no actor even in the current generation who can match his comic timing. Yet, even we find it hard to believe that his latest film Loot can bring him any new offers. But that’s exactly what Govinda claims. He recently released a statement claiming,”It is true that after the movie Loot, I have begun receiving good offers. It includes many big producers. I will be happy to start working on my original talents again.”  We will be happy to see him do more interesting stuff like Coolie No.1 or even Partner, but to say producers are talking to him after seeing Loot is a bit unbelievable. First of all, who watched Loot? Actually sat and watched it? Kim Sharma recently said that the movie was not exactly a great one even though she is capping her career with it. Then there is the other question – can you say Govinda is so good in the movie that it will bring him more offers? Loot is not really his best work. We are just hoping his claim of getting more offers – Loot or not – is true. We would love to see our darling Chi Chi on the big screen again, won’t you?


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