Pattinson not worried about being typecast

Pattinson not worried about being typecast London: Actor Robert Pattinson says he isn`t worried about being typecast in the industry.

"I`d be interested to see how I`m perceived in a couple of years. I don`t know how to predict anything. Edward`s so specific, you can`t really get typecast. I mean, there are only so many parts that are benevolent vampires! It would be insane to do another one afterwards," quoted Pattinson as saying.

The 25-year-old actor has achieved worldwide success through his role as vampire Edward Cullen in the "Twilight Saga" film series and feels one of the main benefits of his job is that he can have fun at work every day.

"I`m living a life I didn`t really know existed and I can kind of delay being an adult for a while! It`s fun. I get to meet really interesting people who think they are making something great," he said.


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